Great prices, excellent quality, bespoke finish

Problem Space Solutions

Specialist Shutter Service

Bespoke window shutters for all your requirements

Our homes can sometimes present us with problem spaces such as humid rooms and quirky window shapes which can cause chaos for window coverings. We have come across clients with problem spaces time and again, but fortunately, our shutters can provide a solution.

bathroom window shutters

Bathrooms and kitchens

Our shutters can be made in a number of different materials. This means that we can provide shutters that are ideal wherever you intend to have them, even in bathrooms and kitchens where humidity is high. Humidity can be a problem for some window coverings as it might cause damage to the material. Fortunately, we offer shutters made from UPVC which is known for its waterproof quality and is therefore perfect for bathrooms and kitchens.

Special shaped shutters

With our help, your unique interior design doesn’t have to be a problem. We can help you make the most of your unusual architectecture by providing tailor-made shutters designed to fit your windows, whatever shape they are. Draw attention to and enhance the special window shapes in your home with our bespoke shutters designed to complement your room down to every last detail.

A versatile solution for many windows

Shutters can often perform where other window dressings such as blinds, curtains or netting can’t.

With our expert advice, we can find a solution to your otherwise difficult shapes and instead accentuates what makes them special.

problem space and need a shutter solution?

Contact us to hear how we could help.

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UK made shutters with quick delivery and installation.

Plantation Shutters

Our window shutters supports UK manufacturing and are water resistant and durable.